African Penguin Population

Click on the buttons to see how the population changes through years. Zoom over the map and hover over the circles to see more details.

Population Size in pairs

African penguin

Photo courtesy of Judy Mann-Lang

About this Visualization

This visualization represents the penguin population of southern Africa. The bigger the size of the circle, the bigger the population. The changes in population size have been related to their food source: anchovy and sardine. These fish are also the target of purse seine fisheries in the region (RJM Crawford, et al., (2011) Collapse of South Africa's penguins in the early 21st century, African Journal of Marine Science, 33:1, 139-156).

The black buttons on top represent different years. If you click on them you will see the changes in penguin population for each year. If you hover over the populations you will see the location name, and the approximate number of penguin pairs. You may also zoom to look closer at the locations.

About the Data

This penguin population visualization was a suggestion from Judy Mann-Lang from SAAMBR (South African Association for Marine Biological Research). The data used, was extrapolated from (RJM Crawford, et al., (2011) Collapse of South Africa's penguins in the early 21st century, African Journal of Marine Science, 33:1, 139-156). The shapefiles used to create the map were obtained from Natural Earth.

About this Project

This visualization was created at Manchester Metropolitan University, Centre for Policy Modeling by Luz K. Molina. It was created using D3.js.

This research was funded by the project SAF21 - Social science aspects of fisheries for the 21st Century. SAF21 is a project financed under the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSC) – ITN - ETN programme (project 642080).

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Write to Luz K. Molina